Intuitive Reading Session

Session Fee is $85 (1 hour)

Prior to incarnating on planet Earth, we devise a lesson plan as to what we intend to accomplish while we are here.  On the other side, we belong to a group of souls that we incarnate with over many lifetimes that we trust implicitly to assist us on our spiritual evolution.  These souls interact with us in many different roles from life to life, sometimes a friend, a parent, a boss, a partner in love, etc.  Life is all about learning and growing spiritually.

In addition to our “soul group”, we have highly evolved souls which guide us from other dimensions.  We often refer to them as “Spirit Guides” or “Guardian Angels”.  These souls are our teachers on the other side where our spiritual evolution continues after leaving the physical dimension.  They are also trusted implicitly and are non-judgmental of the failures and stumbling blocks we encounter while incarnated on the physical dimension.  It should also be said that these beings have never incarnated with us.  Due to the universal law of free will, these evolved souls will only provide their guidance when we ask them for it.  They will never be offended if we choose not to follow their guidance.  It is important for us to develop a means of communicating freely with these beings and understand how to hear them.  It is all about learning to “listen”.

In addition to our trusted Spirit Guides, we also communicate with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other evolved spiritual beings.  The Ascended Masters are beings such as Jesus, Mother Mary, Mohammad, Buddha, and Gandhi.  At times, we may call on the help of Archangels such as Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, and Uriel for support with specific events occurring in our lives.  Universal law allows for free and loving access without judgment or persecution.  All we have to do is ask and they will provide.

Our deceased loved ones often remain close with our soul throughout the duration of our physical incarnation.  It is important to understand that they are not our guides, but merely a system of support.  Often times during a reading, they will come through with messages.  These messages are seldom divinely inspired, but more like the advise they would provide to you when they were alive.  They generally just want you to know that they are happy and with you when you need them.

When we can’t hear the messages being offered to us, we seek out individuals who can hear for us and provide the information to us.  Intuitive readers, channels, and psychics develop the skillset to do just that.  It is important to find one of these gifted individuals that you connect with.  Avoid readers that impose on your free will by making such statement as “You need to do this or that”, or “I will provide the answer for an additional $$”.  These readers tend to resonate with the darker energy and should be avoided altogether.  Always seeks readers that resonate in the light.

The Intuitive Reading Process That I Provide

First and foremost, I only work from the light.  I ask my trusted guides and masters to only bring clients to me that resonate in the light.  During an intuitive reading, I ask that my trusted guides act as a filter for all information that I receive so that I know if is pure and trusted.  I only provide the information that I receive and it will not always be clear what the message means at the time.  When the client asked about other individuals, I usually receive limited information so as not to intrude on that person’s free will.  The main focus of my readings are your understanding of the information in relation to your life lessons so that you can learn and grow spiritually.

I find in most cases that a reading will reveal information that the client has blocked.  We often pray or meditate for answers but don’t hear the resulting messages.  I act as a conduit for these messages so that it can bring these messages to you.  I try to reinforce how these beings are communicating their messages so that you can hear them on your own.  At times, it can be a highly emotional experience for the client to finally find clarity in the issues they are dealing with.

If you are interested in having an intuitive reading with me, please select the Intuitive Reading Session option located under Shop.  If you have any additional questions before scheduling your session, please use the Contact Form and I will answer your questions or concerns.