About Me

My name is Michael Johns.  I am an intuitive reader, teacher, and mentor as well as an energy healer disciplined in Pranic Healing techniques.  I began my journey into light in my early 20’s and have experienced amazing insight into my true life’s purpose and how to utilize my unique spiritual gifts to benefit mankind and the overall well-being of the planet.  I have been guided over the past 25 years to communicate with trusted spirit guides, ascended masters, and archangels connected to my clients who deliver clear, untainted messages to enhance understanding of life purpose and energy imbalances.  My focus in delivering these messages is to instruct my clients on how spirit communicates with them so that they can “hear” the messages themselves and develop a direct communication channel on their own.  Its all about learning to “listen” and “trusting” in what you receive.  I look forward to the opportunity to work with you soon so that you may better understand what this awesome life you are living has in store for you!


Pranic Healing Level 1, 2 & 3, Pranic Crystal Healing

Reiki Level 1,2, & 3

Volunteer Services

  • I am a former volunteer Intuitive Reader and Energetic Healer at the Columbus Paranormal Meetup Group
  • Prior volunteer offering Pranic Healing services at the North Broadway United Methodist Church, Columbus Ohio